
  • you are thinking about changing your career path
  • you are having some difficulty in relation with: yourself ,your partner or co-worker or other person
  • you are feeling emptiness in your life
  • you do not see the meaning of your life
  • you have lost motivation, joy of life
  • you want to be more effective
  • you want to improve the quality of everyday  life and work
  • you want to better manage stress and emotions
  • you feel that change in your life is necessary and you do not know how to make the first step

Feel free to contact me.

Make an appointment for the first, introductory session. We will think together how you can deal with challenges that you want to work on. I will tell you about sessions and how you will work between sessions. You will decide if I am the right person for you as a mentor/coach and if you like my work methods. I will have the occasion to get to know you and state if I can give you the support you need.

I will be pleased to help you in solving your problems and achieve your
goals through individual sessions in Warsaw or sessions online via phone/zoom/Facetime/Whats’up/Skype. Sessions are available in polish and english language.

Alina Baniecka

tel.: + 48 694 456 838 

skype: alina.baniecka

email: kontakt@alinabaniecka.pl